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About Us

The Ontario Association of Sign Language Interpreters (OASLI) is one of two professional associations of ASL-English Interpreters in Ontario. Along with our sister chapter, Sign Language Interpreters of the National Capital (SLINC), we are an affiliate chapter of the Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters (CASLI).

OASLI members work alongside Deaf individuals and organizations to improve the quality of interpretation services by promoting the use of professional service providers.

OASLI is committed to

  • providing sign language interpreters with professional development and networking opportunities
  • offering venues for sign language interpreters to share best practices, and discussing trends and issues in the field
  • promoting the standards set by the CASLI Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Professional Conduct which emphasizes confidentiality, impartiality, integrity and accuracy of all interpreted information
  • acting in an advisory capacity to service providers, agencies, and interpreter training programs
  • raising awareness about the field of interpreting through public education

A volunteer board of directors, responsible for the administration and governance of the association, is elected annually by the membership. 

Our Vision

A future where all signed language interpreters have the supports they need to be competent, qualified, professionals who follow ethical practices.

Our Mission

OASLI is a non-profit organization established to support its members in their professional practice through the following:

  • Providing professional development opportunities
  • Facilitating mentorship relationships and networking opportunities
  • Creating professional development resources
  • Creating resources to be used in professional practice
  • Setting professional standards of practice
  • Acting in an advisory capacity and advocating for professional standards of practice
  • Educating the public about the profession of signed language interpreting
  • Encouraging the development of stronger ties between the Deaf and Interpreting communities 

What We Do

Why Choose a CASLI/OASLI Member?

Board of Directors

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Dispute Resolution Process (DRP)

Our History

For the latest news and events, follow OASLI on Facebook and Twitter

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